It’s not an easy task, and neither do we have the perfect answer, but we should have a pretty good idea (at least we try our best). First came the Malaysia Most Viewed Food Venues (click on "TOP 50" tab on the main page), which a pretty simple methods utilizing Google Analytics to track which is the most viewed food venues on a month by month basic, or year by year, or the all time favourite. Like the title implied, you get to know what other people are viewing (and perhaps eating as well).

Then we have the Malaysia Most Wanted Food Venues, which we use a special (and secret) algorithm/formula to calculate a magic number for a specific food venue based on the number of user contributed content, voting and page view. Based on this magic number, we are able to compare one food venue against the other; and give you a good idea on whether one food venue is more popular than the other.

We use a bar chart in the search result to show you how popular is this food venue (full bar mean it can't get any better, haha).

And we display the magic number to indicate its popularity.

Of course, we can only perform Malaysia food popularity analysis on food venues recommended by users, or archived by MMW. I know it's unfair to some-extremely-delicious-food-venue-but-not-acrhived-by-mmw-yet, so we would try harder to find and archive more food venues (of course, you could help too).
PS: I wonder is there a better word to replace food venue to replace the combination reference to “restaurant, cafĂ©, food stall, mamak, pasar malam, food court, etc”.
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