First of all we have the basic search, where you could search by the keyword Chicken Rice. Chicken Rice would return result which contains the word Chicken OR Rice, which mean things about Lemon Chicken, Fried Chicken, Yam Rice, Duck Rice shall be returned as well. So, we should put a double quote(“”) around the word “Chicken Rice” to ensure the search result match the whole word, not just Chicken OR Rice. This shall narrow down your search result and hopefully it will return something more relevant to what you have in mind.
You could narrow down your search further by searching specifically the cuisine or location. For example, location:puchong shall return all the food venues in Puchong, or cuisine:thai to find some thai food. You could search for multiple cuisine or location at the sametime, for example cuisine:japanese indian.
Now that you know how to search by location and cuisine, you could then search by keyword + location + cuisine. For example, fine dining location:bangsar cusine:french. Remember that you could still use the double quote (“”) to force exact word match and to narrow down the search result.

From the search result, you could perform a sorting on the name, location, state, cuisine, special, vote and POP by clicking on the little green round button (with 2 little triangle facing up and down) on the header. Click once to sort by ascending order (A-Z), and click again to sort by descending order (Z-A). You could sort by Vote or POP (Popularity Index of the food).