What is Malaysia Most Wanted (MMW) Property?
"Malaysia Most Wanted Property will provide the most comprehensive information to help property buyers find their ideal properties"
Malaysia Most Wanted (MMW) Property is to help property buyers to find and decide on their ideal property (for home or investment) . MMW Property is a property information/classifieds service that provides a simple yet powerful searching to help you find the property; and a property research house to offer useful information and data analysis to help you decide on its worth and value. Buyers could expect useful information such as price comparison, market value, reputation index, location analysis, community reviews and etc to reinforce your buying decision. We provide where market alternatives fail to deliver, and we are focused to reduce your pain and solve your headaches in finding what you need.
What is the BETA version offering?
The current BETA version offers a simple yet powerful searching for new property development projects. You could search by property type, price, location, project name, developer name and etc.
At the current moment, we offer limited but nevertheless useful information to help you understand the developer’s offering better. Besides the basic information (Price, Floor Space, Product Type, etc), we offers:
- Project features such as Facility, Interior, Landscape, Accessibility and Landmark
- Images of Map, Area View, Building, Interior, Floor Plan and Others
- Links of Property Review, Archive, News, Forum, Resources and etc
- Developer’s Information
We would continue to enhance on the new property development projects’ database in terms of quality and quantity, and focus on providing new features such as location analysis, public/community review and developers’ profile/portfolio/reputation index.
What would MMW Property be in the long term?
We shall provide online property information and classifieds service, and become a resourceful property data banks and research house. Our main objective is to help property buyers to find their ideal property. Besides that, we offer data analysis to aid property valuation (such as price comparison & history, rental yield, growth rate, location growth and value comparison, etc) and value added information to ease purchase decision (independent review, amenities, map, etc). We would offer property market research & analysis, while focus on simple and effective searching.
How is MMW Property different from other market alternatives?
Besides our unique and strategic offerings mentioned earlier, we are buyer centric. Everything we do, we do it to help property buyers find and decide on their ideal property.